Campus Security Authority Online Training Program

Campus Security Authority Online Training Program
Online classes to assist campuses in training Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) to comply with the Clery Act.

Responsible Employee Online Training Program
Online class to assist campuses in training Responsible Employees (Required Reporters) as identified under Title IX.

D. Stafford & Associates has developed these online training programs to assist institutions of higher education in coming into and staying in compliance with training requirements under the Clery Act and Title IX.

Institutions need to provide a training course for individuals identified as CSAs under the Clery Act that is reasonable in length, yet comprehensive enough to ensure that a CSA understands his/her responsibilities with regard to reporting crimes. It is imperative that CSAs understand the essential elements of the crimes they are required to report, the geographic locations for which crime reports must be filed and the institutional requirements regarding ongoing disclosures to the campus community.

Institutions are also obligated to ensure that individuals identified as Responsible Employees under Title IX are trained in their responsibilities to report sexual misconduct and harassment to appropriate campus authorities. It is critical that Responsible Employees understand the types of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment or misconduct under Title IX and that they further understand their related duties as Responsible Employees. The OCR Dear Colleague Letter and the Violence Against Women Act provide guidelines regarding the topics for which Responsible Employees should receive information when being trained. The DSA online course focuses on those identified requirements.

  • ADMINISTRATION OF COURSES: The role of your campus in administering the courses.
  • INSTRUCTORS: A brief overview of the qualifications of the instructors.
  • IDENTIFYING YOUR CSAs WHO NEED TO BE TRAINED: A list of positions that should be included in your CSA list
  • OVERVIEW OF COURSE OBJECTIVES: This section of the site provides specifics about the learning objectives for each course.
  • COST: Annual Cost to enroll in the On Line CSA (Clery Act) and Responsible Employee (Title IX) Training Programs. All courses are included in the price for your institution.
  • BENEFITS: This section provides information about the benefits including—Ensuring on-going compliance with these Federal Laws; Access the system from computer or mobile devices; Compliant with 508 Standards (for persons with disabilities).

Customers purchasing the on-line training platform must be an individual college, university or institution of higher education. Any other parties wishing to purchase this training platform must receive written permission from Dolores Stafford and can contact her to make the request at [email protected].

An institution of higher education for these purposes is defined as: An institution of higher education that participates in Title IV, student financial assistance programs and is required by Federal Law to comply with the Clery Act. An institution of higher education is defined as a college or university that has its own President/Chancellor (or position with an alternate title but serves in a similar capacity) leading the organization. Typically, a college or university will have its own OPE ID number and its own listing in the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Collection Tool (available at

Institutions that are part of a “system” must purchase a training platform for each college / university within the system that is an independently accredited institution or that has its own President/Chancellor, etc. (even if the system has one Board of Trustees/Regents). Typically, a college or university will have its own OPE ID number and its own listing in the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Collection Tool (available at

Annual Subscription Fees

0-49 CSAs = $490 per year
50-74 CSAs = $595 per year
75-99 CSAs = $690 per year
100-149 CSAs = $700 per year (+ $5.00 for each person between 101-149)
Example: 101 people costs $705
150-499 CSAs = $950/year (+$3.00/person between 151-499)
500+ CSAs = $2,000/year (+1.00/person over 500)

Brief Overview of Courses

Using a software platform developed by dialogEDU, a college, university or security company will be given access to the DSA Online Training Center that contains various online training programs developed to assist colleges and universities with their Clery Act and Title IX compliance efforts. The courses were specifically developed to provide training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) under the Clery Act and Responsible Employees (REs) or Designated Reporters under Title IX.

The Training Center contains a number courses that each campus can use, as they choose, to achieve and maintain compliance:

  • DYNAMIC GENERAL CSA COURSE—A 25 minute on-line training program for all Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who do not work for the campus law enforcement, public safety, or security department. This course is the more compact version of the General CSA course. It includes “knowledge checks” throughout the course to promote learning and engagement.
  • GENERAL CSA COURSE–A 1 hour and 40 minutes on-line training program for all Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who do not work for the campus law enforcement, public safety, or security department.
    • OPTION 1–A 2 hour and 50 minute course which includes the General CSA Course and Additional Modules designed for Campus Security Authorities who work in campus law enforcement (public safety, or security department, such as officers, supervisors and administrators) and is specific to their roles as first responders on campus.
    • OPTION 2–A 1 hour and 33 minute option is available and requires taking the Dynamic CSA Course (25 mins) and a second course titled Add-on Advanced for Police (68 mins).  When taken together, this option is designed for Campus Security Authorities who work in campus law enforcement, (public safety, or security department, such as officers, supervisors and administrators) and is specific to their roles as first responders on campus.
  • CSA RECERTIFICATION COURSE—A 25 minute recertification course available for all CSAs who have previously taken either the General or Advanced Course. This is a refresher course that will review key aspects of the full version and completion of this course will document training of each CSA on an annual basis.
  • MINI CSA COURSE (for Study Abroad Advisors and Off Site Trip Leaders)—A 23 minute program specifically designed for individuals who are advisors for Study Abroad Programs and/or individuals who accompany students on off-site trips (domestic and abroad) who otherwise do not have a function as a CSA on an on-going basis. This course will provide them with a basic overview of the key responsibilities they will have in their limited time role as a CSA.
  • TITLE IX Designated Sexual Harassment Reporter Course–A 16 minute program designed for individuals on your campus who have been identified as Designated Sexual Harassment Reporters (formerly called Responsible Employees), i.e. officials with authority to institute corrective action or other designated employees who are mandated “reporters” as required by the current Title IX regulations.
  • VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT (VAWA) Course-a 36 minute course that meets the requirements of the Violence Against Women Act as it relates to higher education and provides learners with information related to responding in sound ways to reported offenses of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, including an overview of bystander intervention and risk reduction. The VAWA information is not required as part of a CSA or Designated Sexual Harassment Reporter training for individuals to serve in those roles. However, D Stafford & Associates is providing this content to assist client institutions in meeting some of the Primary Prevention mandates under VAWA, in the event that the institution has not implemented another means of training the CSAs and Designated Reporters in the specific requirements identified by VAWA.


  • GENERAL CSA COURSE (GROUP VERSION)–a TEST ONLY version for all Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who do not work for the campus law enforcement, public safety or security department. This course would only be utilized by institutions that present the General CSA Course in a group format and CSA’s will login to complete the test individually.
  • ADVANCED CSA COURSE (GROUP VERSION)– a TEST ONLY version of the training program is available and geared toward Campus Security Authorities who work in the campus law enforcement, public safety or security department, such as officers, supervisors and administrators. There is additional content and information specific to their roles as first responders on campus. This course would only be utilized by institutions that present the Extended CSA Course in a group format and CSA’s will login to complete the test individually.
  • TITLE IX Course (GROUP VERSION)–a TEST ONLY version designed for individuals on your campus who have been identified as Designated Sexual Harassment Reporters (formerly called Responsible Employees) or “mandatory reporters” under Title IX. This course would only be utilized by institution that present the Title IX Course in a group format and Designated Reporters will login to complete the test individually.
  • Group Version: Institutions choose to present the CSA training in a group format where individuals will only login to complete the test and receive their certification (requires that each participant have an email address).

The DSA training system closes for enrollment at the end of each calendar year to allow us to re-date all of the courses for the new calendar year. This is necessary for managing the recertification programs available in the training center. This transition of courses will occur between the last week of December and the first week of January, thus the courses are unavailable during this short timeframe. The site administrator for each client institution will be notified of the exact dates for the closure in the last quarter of each calendar year.

For technical support related specifically to The Campus Security Authority Online Training Program use the technical support feature on your site.

For billing questions related to the online training contact:

Linda Kitchen

emai: [email protected]

Call 302-981-5521

For questions about the on-line training, to request a demonstration or for any other non-technical support issue contact:

Colleen Brenington

email: [email protected] 

For ALL NACCOP related questions contact:

Kim Braun

[email protected]