D. Stafford & Associates provides an array of consulting services related to student conduct codes, processes, and records management systems. These services can be tailored to meet the unique needs of client institutions and can be bundled with other consulting services (such as Clery Act assessments and/or Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure review/development).
Option 1: Student Conduct Code Review
D. Stafford & Associates will conduct an off-site review of the institution’s Student Conduct Code. In addition to any focal areas identified by the institution, the Code will be assessed for:
- comprehensiveness of policy, procedure, and sanctions;
- Utilization of language that is easily understood by students, families, and other constituencies;
- Compliance with Federal laws and mandates (excluding the degree to which the institution is complying with Title IX or has incorporated the required procedural components for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, as required by the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act [this is an optional service-see below])
- compliance with best and emergent practices in student conduct administration.
- A written report summarizing key findings and recommendations; and
- A track-changed version of the Student Conduct Code containing proposed edits and comments for the institution’s consideration
Optional add-on for Student Conduct Code Review:
- Review of the degree to which the institution has incorporated the required procedural components for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, as required by the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act (if the institution’s Student Conduct Code includes procedures related to the resolution of these cases). DSA also offers Title IX Audit and Compliance Services that includes comprehensive reviews of Sexual Misconduct Policies/Procedures.
Option 2: Conduct Process Review
D. Stafford & Associates will conduct a (on-site or off-site) review of the institution’s practices and procedures related to the resolution of alleged student misconduct. In addition to addressing any focal areas identified by the institution, the review will address procedural efficiencies, congruence between written Student Conduct Code procedures and actual practices, areas of weakness/concern addressed by stakeholders, and best and emergent practices in student conduct administration.
The review will encompass:
- An off-site review of the institution’s Student Conduct Code (as described in Option 1);
- Interviews (conducted via telephone or videoconferencing, or on-site if desired by the institution) with key institutional stakeholders, such as students, key campus partners, student conduct staff, members of adjudication/appellate boards, etc.
- A review of any checklists, templates, or correspondence used in the implementation of Student Conduct Code proceedings (excluding relevant training materials, which is an optional add-on service, as noted below).
- A track-changed version of the Student Conduct Code containing proposed edits and comments for the institution’s consideration;
- A written report that summarizes stakeholder feedback and details key findings and recommendations for improving implementation of the student conduct process;
- Track-changed versions of any checklists, templates, or correspondences for which D. Stafford & Associates recommends changing; and
- A close-out meeting (conducted via telephone, videoconferencing, or in-person) to address any lingering questions or concerns related to edited documents and/or the findings and recommendations
Option 3: Student Conduct Code, Process, & Workflow Review
D. Stafford & Associates will conduct a comprehensive review of the institution’s Student Conduct Code and resolution procedures (as outlined in Option 1 & 2, respectively) and review the general case management workflow in the institution’s electronic student conduct records management system to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the institution’s use of the system for the management of student conduct cases.
- A track-changed version of the Student Conduct Code containing proposed edits and comments for the institution’s consideration;
- A written report that summarizes stakeholder feedback and details key findings and recommendations for improving implementation of the student conduct process and records management system workflow;
- Track-changed versions of any checklists, templates, or correspondences for which D. Stafford & Associates recommends changing; and
- A close-out meeting (conducted via telephone, videoconferencing or in-person) to address any lingering questions or concerns related to edited documents and/or the findings and recommendations
Additional Student Conduct Consulting Services:
- Review of the degree to which the institution has incorporated the required procedural components for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, as required by the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act (if the institution’s Student Conduct Code includes procedures related to the resolution of these cases). DSA also offers Title IX Audit and Compliance Services that includes comprehensive reviews of Sexual Misconduct Policies/Procedures.
- Review of relevant training materials (such as PowerPoint presentations, quick reference guides, Conduct Officer/Hearing Board handbooks, etc.)
- Conduct an assessment of consolidating disparate conduct processes into a unified system (such as when Residence Life operates a disciplinary system for housing contract violations independent of the Student Conduct Code managed by another office).
- D. Stafford & Associates can also help institutions develop an implementation plan for merging separate systems.
- Conducting an assessment to determine if the institution should change its approach to hearing cases or appeals (e.g., moving from a student conduct hearing board model to a single-adjudicator model)