Title IX Coordinator Comprehensive Course

General Information

The DSA Title IX team has trained over 10,000 Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Hearing Officers and Advisors across the country and is well-known for delving into the practical application of Title IX. The DSA team, comprised of seasoned practitioners, and all have served as Title IX Coordinators/Deputy Coordinators and Investigators for institutions of higher education. As further changes to the required processes are made by the Office for Civil Rights, those changes are immediately incorporated into all relevant DSA classes.

Title IX Coordinator Comprehensive Course

This class will be taught using the current Title IX regulations, including the 2020 amended regulations, since a federal district court issued a decision vacating the 2024 Final Rule and the 2024 Title IX regulations are not effective in any jurisdiction.

This 2 ½ day course combines all three of the Title IX Coordinator Tier classes (Tier 1 – Law and Policy; Tier 2 – Sex-Discrimination Response; and Tier 3 – Safety & Risk Analyses for Sex-Based Harassment Emergency Removals). Participants will receive 1 certificate (for Tiers 1, 2 and 3) upon completion of this comprehensive course.

Class Description

This course will provide a solid overview of an institution’s full responsibilities for addressing discrimination on the basis of sex, including but not limited to areas related to sex-based harassment, pregnancy, and hiring. In addition, it will also provide a comprehensive understanding of an institution’s response to reports of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sex-based harassment (quid pro quo, hostile environment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking). Related aspects of intersecting laws, such as the Clery Act, will be discussed. The course will satisfy the training requirements for Title IX Coordinators under the current Title IX regulations and the VAWA amendments to the Clery Act. The course will include information on any new guidance or updates.

Some of the key topics that will be covered are:

  • Overview of Title IX including the law, regulations (including the 2020 amended regulations), sub-regulatory guidance, case law, and OCR complaints
  • Intersection of Title IX, Clery Act (VAWA Amendments), and other relevant laws
  • Responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator (includes pregnancy, etc.)
  • Developing and Updating Policies (Considerations based on current regulatory landscape)
  • Drafting and Implementing Procedures (Intake, Notice, Investigation, and Informal Resolutions)
  • Constructing the Resolution Processes for Sex Discrimination and Sex-based Harassment
  • Selecting and Training Personnel (includes conflict of interest and bias)
  • Emergency Removals
  • Conducting a Safety & Risk Analysis
  • Why Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence Presents a Greater Threat
  • Providing Support and Resources
  • Engaging Your Threat Assessment Team

*This class is designed to provide information on oversight of investigations but will not provide in-depth training on investigations. Title IX Coordinators with responsibility for conducting investigations are encouraged to take the additional training class(es) as outlined in the “Title IX Investigations Track.”

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for persons who are responsible for coordinating the institution’s response to reports of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, and overseeing the grievance process. Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Title IX Coordinators, as well as practitioners in the areas of Human Resources, Equity & Diversity, Student Affairs, General Counsel, Athletics, and Campus Law Enforcement/Public Safety, as well as threat assessment team members are encouraged to attend. Attendees must be an employee of an institution of higher education.


Attendees of this class will receive a certificate of completion from D. Stafford & Associates. Certification verifies attendance at this class and can serve as an institution’s documentation that the attendee has received training that addresses issues related to managing and coordinating sex discrimination and harassment complaints, including the definition of sex-based harassment, the scope of the recipient’s education program or activity, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.


This training program will feature expert faculty who serve or who have served as practitioners on college and university campuses throughout the country in the areas of behavioral intervention and threat assessment, student conduct, Title IX, and human resources and legal affairs.


This class is a 2 & 1/2 day in-person class (with time built in for breaks) held from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Eastern Time on Days 1 and 2, and 8:30 am to 12:00 pm Eastern Time on Day 3.

Additional logistics (for in-person options–airports, hotels, and other location specific information) is available when clicking the “Class Details & Registration” button for a specific class. (Note: clicking the “Class Details & Registration” button will not automatically register attendees for this class. There is an additional registration button that attendees must click to register at the bottom of the logistics page to complete the registration process).

Current In-Person Options

Title IX Coordinator Comprehensive Course (2025-03)
July 15-17, 2025
Offered at the NACCOP Conference in Baltimore, MD

Note: This in-person class will combine the Title IX Coordinator Tier 1, 2, 3 classes, and participants will receive certificates for all 3 upon completion of the classes.