Lisa Sprague
Lisa Sprague has over 30 years of campus, city, county and state experience in the successful management of Public Safety and Law Enforcement agencies, including serving in Accredited agencies such as the Deputy Chief of Police at The Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, and most recently as the Deputy and Interim Chief of Police for the Crestview Police Department In Crestview Florida.
She has held the positions of Director of Public Safety at Florida Gateway College, Ohio Dominican University, Chief of Police at Truman State University in Missouri, Director of the Department of Public Safety at Stetson University in Deland, Florida and at Cornell University in New York. In each of these institutions she has held a number of leadership roles to include Behavior Intervention Teams, Clery Compliance, Emergency Management, Security Threat Assessment and Sexual Assault Response Teams.
Previously, Sprague has served as an Instructor at St Charles County Law Enforcement Academy, Broome County Law Enforcement Academy, Missouri Sheriff’s Academy and the Law Enforcement Training Center for Moberly Area Community College. She has been an advisory member for the University of Missouri Law Enforcement Training Institute, Moberly Area Community College Law Enforcement Academy and the North West Florida State Police Academy. She has served as an adjunct instructor for the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University, Florida Gateway College, ITT Tech and the National Sports Arena Security Center. Sprague actively promotes continuing education of safety issues and annually makes presentations, publishes articles in Campus Safety Journals and conducts workshops on numerous topics.
Sprague is a certified Police Officer in the State of Florida. Her other current and past certifications include, Generalist Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, National Security Clearance, Violent Patient Management Instructor, Victim Advocate Specialist, NRA Firearms Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer, Front Line Homeland Responder Instructor, Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombers Instructor, Regional and State Emergency Response Team, Sport Event Risk Management Instructor, Traffic Infraction Enforcement Officer, Title IV Investigator and crime analysis.
Sprague has held leadership and memberships in several professional affiliations including Past President of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Florida Chiefs of Police, Florida University Chiefs of Police, Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Associates and is frequently called on as assessor for the Prep management assistance program. The Management Assistance Program, sponsored by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) is for the purpose of providing management consultation and technical assistance to Association members. Assessors provide assistance in improving the administration, management or operations of the agency and aid in implementing improved practices and techniques.
She has served as President of the Missouri Association of Campus Law Enforcement administrators, Chair of the Diversity Committee for the Missouri Police Chiefs Association, Missouri Police Chief Management Assessor and has also served as the Missouri Statewide subject matter expert for Cultural Diversity Materials for Mandated Curriculum for Police Officers.
Her record of public service is extensive. She has served on the Leon County, Franklin County and Columbia County Local Emergency Management Committees, Regional Domestic Security Task Force, Regional Violent Crime Committee, American Heart Association Community Board Member, American Heart Walk Captain and an active contributor for the Special Olympics Organization. She has served as past presidents of Kiwanis Clubs in Kirksville and Tallahassee. Other leadership roles have included past president of the Kirksville Coalition for Prevention of Alcohol Abuse, Kirksville Airport and Transportation Commission and the Missouri Department of Health Injury Control Advisory Council Member.
Sprague has received numerous awards such as the National Residence Hall Honorary, Division of Student Affairs “Being There” Award, National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, “Patriotic Employer’ Award, Prudential-Financial-Davis Productivity Award, Nominated State of Florida Officer of the Year , Tallahassee’s 25 Women You Need to Know, Oasis Center Trailblazer Award, and the Florida Business and Professional Women Glass Ceiling Award.
Sprague currently holds a Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Columbia College, Missouri, March, 2010, A Bachelor of Science in Education: Human Services (major), Psychology (minor), May 1979, University of Miami, Coral Gables and Florida Department of Law Enforcement Chief Executive Seminar Class # 37.
She is considered an expert in the area of Higher Education Public Safety and has conducted organizational assessments at more than 25 institutions of higher education, including but not limited to: Eastern Michigan University, California Maritime College, Samford University in Birmingham, Bay Path University, Madison Area Technical College, SUNY- Geneva, Tallahassee Community College, University of Massachuetts-Boston, University of Massachuetts- Lowell, Louisiana Tech University, Montclair State University, Wellesley College, McNeese State University, Ferris State University, Nova Scotia College System, University of Southern Maine and Loyola University, to name a few.