
Title IX Resources

2020 Title IX Regulations

Supporting Inclusive Communities Under Title IX (LGBTQIA+ Support)



Resources Specific to Employees and Pregnancy and Associated Conditions

Books/Articles Written by DSA Associates

A View From the Interior Policing the Protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol

In 2011, recently elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker introduced his version of “dropping a bomb” with the Budget Repair Bill. A View from the Interior covers the thirty tense days following his announcement that would put an end to public unions in Wisconsin. One and a half million people descended upon the Capitol building in Madison, jamming its hallways and flooding its grounds to protest.

On Day 4 of the protests Chief Susan Riseling was placed in charge of the law enforcement response. Over the coming weeks 198 law enforcement agencies sent staff to assist. This is an uniquely American story of democracy at work, the functioning of a government and the police role in maintaining safety while facilitating the First Amendment. After 30 days of protests there had been only 13 arrests, no violence and minimal damage.

Strong and principled leadership is on display throughout the narrative. This work guides the public and police through the ethical, legal and political turmoil a leader faces when competing interests are present in the community they serve.

Author Susan Riseling, Chief of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Police, offers this compelling insider’s perspective of those protests, based on hundreds of pages of actual police reports and other documents from those history-making days.

Paperback retail: $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-59598-255-1
6 X 9, 400 pages including index and color photos
Book is also available in Kindle format via Amazon

Managing the Unthinkable

Dolores Stafford, President & CEO of D. Stafford & Associates is a contributing author of Managing the Unthinkable: Crisis Preparation and Response for Campus Leaders. Pre-publication orders can be sent in now and customers will receive a 30% discount until publication in March 2014.The code for the special discount is CRIS14.

Stylus Publishing