Articles, Presentations & Expert Panels

  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators,
    Campus Law Enforcement Journal, May/June 1997
    Officer Training and Involvement in a Variety of Areas Pays Dividends
  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators,
    Campus Law Enforcement Journal, July/August 1997
    Affiliate Provides Campus Security Act Checklist
  • United Educators, Reason and Risk Newsletter, Summer 1998, Volume 6, No. 1
    Campus Security Staff Fundamentals: One Director’s Building Blocks
  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators,
    Campus Law Enforcement Journal, March/April 1998
    Summary of the Senate Hearing: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services and Education
  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators,
    Campus Law Enforcement Journal, July/August 1998
    Complying with the Campus Security Act
  • Campus Safety & Security Forms, Checklists and Guidelines
    Aspen Reference Group, 1998
    Member of the Editorial Advisory Board
  • Stetson University College of Law, Law and Higher Education Conference, February 2000
    Campus Violence: A University Police Perspective
  • Stetson University College of Law, Law and Higher Education Conference, February 2003
    Evaluating Our Response to the Events of September 11, 2001: Changes in Law and Policy Throughout the University
  • Stetson University College of Law, Law and Higher Education Conference, February 2007
    Redefining our Approach to Campus Sexual Assault
  • Stetson University College of Law, Law and Higher Education Conference, February 2007. Co-Authored paper with Steven Rittereiser.
    Community Policing, Crime Prevention and Comprehensive Training Programs: Key Ingredients to Reducing Risk in Campus Public Safety
  • American Association of State Colleges and Universities, March 2008
    Crisis Communications
  • University Business: Solutions for Higher Education Management, July 2008
    Security Officers Speak Out: Five Public Safety Directors share their insights on securing a campus and how current issues are shaping that responsibility.
  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, April 2008
    The IACLEA Blueprint for Safer Campuses, one of six participants/authors.
  • Campus Safety Magazine, April/May 2011
    Clery Reporting: Whose Job is it Anyway?
  • Magna Publications. 2011.
    What You Need to Know about the Updated 2011 Education Department Handbook for Clery Act/HEOA.
  • What is the Clery Act? Why Should You Care?
    A guide written in conjunction with the American Council on Education
    Published in March, 2012
  • Ending Campus Violence: New approaches to prevention
    Contributing Author: Dolores Stafford, 2012
  • United Educators Risk Research Bulletin (contributing author)
    Keeping Campus Informed and Prepared: The Clery Act’s Timely Warning and Emergency Notification Requirements. May 2012
  • Managing the Unthinkable: Crisis Preparation and Response for Campus Leaders
    Contributing Author: Dolores Stafford. March 2014
  • Starting in 2015, most articles and whitepapers authored by Stafford have been published on the National Association of Clery Compliance Officers & Professionals (NACCOP) website at
  • Department of Education Negotiated Rule Making Process. Represented IACLEA in the process of developing the final rules for the Clery Act, January 1999
  • Department of Education Focus Group Regarding Data Collection for the Clery Act Crime Statistics, March 24, 2000
  • The National Association of Attorneys General Task Force on School and Campus Safety.
    In 2001, the President of The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker, determined the need to establish an ad hoc Task Force on School and Campus Safety (Task Force) to consider what had transpired since the issuance of the previous NAAG report in 1999, including the incident at Virginia Tech, and issue a report making updated recommendations regarding the prevention of, and response to, violence in schools and on college campuses. Ms. Stafford participated in the development of this report, The National Association of Attorneys General Task Force on School and Campus Safety.
  • Represented IACLEA at a meeting with Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 10, 2002
  • Represented IACLEA at a focus group brought together by Office of Domestic Preparedness regarding Electronic Information Sharing for Planning, Preparedness and Response to Terrorist WMD Incidents, October 29, 2002 and February 11, 2003
  • Represented IACLEA at a meeting with Attorney General John Ashcroft, June 18, 2003
  • National Summit on Campus Public Safety, November 2004
    • Developed a document called: Strategies for Colleges and Universities in a Homeland Security Environment. Delegate in this summit sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office.
  • U.S. Department of Education’s Expert Panel on Emergency Management in Higher Education, November 2007
    Assisted in the Development of four documents:

    • Principles for developing a higher education Emergency Planning Process
    • Higher Education Panel Meeting Notes
    • General Issues to Consider in Developing a Higher Education Emergency Preparedness Guide
    • Features to Consider in Developing a Guide for Higher Education
  • Department of Education Negotiated Rule Making Process. Represented IACLEA in the process of developing the final rules for the Clery Act, in 2008
  • Department of Education Negotiated Rule Making Process. Participated as an expert advisor (by vote of the committee) in the meetings and process of developing the final rules for the Clery Act, Spring 2014.

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